The true connoisseur of porn knows that the visual side, from videos to images, while of course predominant in the modern erotica industry, is only one part of the story. There is also the audio entertainment angle which is becoming increasingly popular through adult podcasts, which allow us to hear all sorts of people chatting online about sex, porn and other topics, and both informing and titillating us through their voices. I will not say I always manipulate my organ while letting my ears feast on podcasts, but I will admit to more than the occasional tug of scholarly appreciation! 😉 Herewith, then, the best sex and porn podcasts of 2018, brought to you by the discerning ears of your obedient servant, Dr. Pornokowski.
Watching porn as a couple can be a sensual and liberating experience. Whether you and your partner want to try it for the first time or are looking for something new…